We ALL struggle with something. In this Recovery group you will apply Christ-centered coping skills in dealing with a variety of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It is possible to restore joy in your life and to the people closest to you. If you struggle with emotional baggage, co-dependency, grief, loss of a job, depression, lust, anger, pornography, addictions of any kind, abuse, or other hang-ups...this Recovery group can help. All are welcome!
Meet: Wednesdays @ 6 - 7:30 PM
Where: Church Gym, 240 Delaware Ave, Harrington
Contact: Stan Mutter - 609-214-8908 - sbmutter@gmail.com
Meet: Wednesdays @ 6 - 7:30 PM
Where: Church Gym, 240 Delaware Ave, Harrington
Contact: Stan Mutter - 609-214-8908 - sbmutter@gmail.com